Friday, April 11, 2008

Stuck in a Rut?

Are you stuck in a rut? I think I am!

What to do? How to get out of it? How to keep the motivation going?

- Well, I know I need support and its great to have a few people posting here, that's why I wanted to do this blog!
- Try something new!- I did walk the dog the other day, I got a little confident that I could jog, so guess what? I did!!!!! I did three little mini jogs as I was walking down our road. It felt good to set my eyes on a place down the road and run to reach it!
- Now I just need to keep this fire going! My husband has switched shifts at work, so I am able to work more now, that is throwing my workout schedule off! Hopefully I can get it back into gear tomorrow!


RunForFun said...

Great that you've added a run to your walk. I started out by walking the straight a-ways at our local cemetry then after a few weeks added a run at the corners. Now after a year I can run a couple miles. I do like to run a mile - walk a half mile -run a mile -etc...
Keep up the good work (just beware your appetite may increase if you run a lot, I know mine goes crazy after a good run.) Best of luck.
Have a great Weekend :0)


curton said...

I'm stuck in a rut too. My husband says you have to keep changing your workouts so that you are never doing the same thing for a long period of time. He calls it muscle confusion. He will do is P90X workouts for a week or so then he'll just lift free weights for a few days. He was once really big into tae kwon do and he still mixs in those type of workouts too. And now that it is nice he will mix in bike riding and jogging. I just swim (anything with water) and do hip hop abs and every once in a while I will do a P90X workout. But thats how I twisted my knee. It's really hard and not for a beginner like me. I have been adding free weights in lately and I think I like it. I Have added walking too. I'm not sure about jogging. I think you are very brave to jog. it is an awsome workout when you can really get into it. I wish you luck. We'll find away over this speed (rut)bump. And we need to keep looking forward and don't look back.
Has the schedule change gotten any easier? I'll talk to you later. Lynn

k1s2c3-Jones said...

The schedule change has not helped this weekend, my husband was out of town all weekend, so I've been doing my own thing and that has not included any exercising!!! So guess what, I will get back to it tomorrow!
Hope you all had a great weekend!!