Is this a question or a statement!?!
Sometimes I don't know if I ever truly have time for myself. I know I want time for myself, but it doesn't happen very often. With three kids, a husband, three dogs, one cat and a bunny, I never have time to myself!!
So now is the time to try and find time for myself.
I am going to try and have at least a couple of hours this week that are for me only! (Maybe a dog will tag along if I go for a walk, but other than that- no kids or husband allowed!
So check your schedule and see if you can squeeze a couple of hours in for yourself this week. Who knows, maybe next week we can get a few more hours! Make sure to share your goal if you are going to try to get "your alone time" this week and let us all know what you did!
Have a happy week!!
Time for ourself. what is that? I'm just kidding. It is very hard to find time with everything else specially when the other 1/2 is gone. I have one day (monday) that I truely get time for myself. I have a 1/2 hour break where I go and sit in the sauna for 15 mins. It's around lunch time so there is usually no one else in the sauna. It's nice. I have fallen a sleep acouple of time becuase it is so quiet. I have been walking every day and that takes a lot of stress away but I'm not by myself Zack is with. He starts school next school year so I'll have tons of my time. It will be nice.
I got that herbal dieter's cleanse in the mail saturday from my friend (she had to order it and send it to me). I'm going to start it on tuesday becuase i don't know what to expect. And I don't want to be on the guard stand and have to go all the time. She said you wont see much of a change the first or second day in bowel movement but after that you should go about 3 or 4 times a day. I did not know that a person has any where from 1 to 4 pounds of bowel build up inside. And that you should have 2 to 3 movements a day to keep a healthy inside. OH the things we learn. well not the best of subjects.
I hope you are able to find more time for yourself. I have an aunt that would set the time and when it was on no one could bug her unless it was life or death emergency. I have tried it before and it works pretty good.
Hopefully we will get out of this rut soon. Friut is getting cheaper each week and I'm looking forward to watermelon, plums and fresh apples from the trees. One of the ladies John works with has apple trees. Well you have a great day and I will talk to you later. Lynn
Ah...time to ones self...yes, I used to have it all the time, not so much any more ;)
So, does it count if it's just you and me? Ready to get out and do a little "hiking" today? I'm so happy we are doing this...it's our alone time together! :)
Yeah, our alone time today was fun, but didn't get much results!
As for the cleanse, wow, that's a lot of useful information!! Let me know how it goes.
We'll see how much time I have this week to myself. As of right now, Thursday is looking pretty good, nothing on the calendar yet!!! Hope to keep it that way!
I'm so with you on the alone time. It really does seem impossible most of the time, but I just started taking sometime to go tan ..I love having a "new body" and when I was younger I always felt so good during the summer, I think it was because I was so tan..okay I realize it's not as safe as the tan in a can, but I get the quite time I really need and then I go to the cemetry and run for about 30+minutes.
I hope everyone can get some time for themselves, even if it is just once or twice a week.
Keep up the good work Ladies :0)
We can do this together
How is everyone doing? I'm doing good. It's almost the end of the month and I just wanted to see how every one was doing on their goals. I've been sticking to my goal of walking every day and lifting weights (if it's raining). My little boy and I walked to town friday to the post office. It's a mile walk there and a mile back. I was really shocked that he made the walk with out a piggy back ride or so.
The cleanse is not that bad I kind of thought it would be worse. The hardest part is taking all the pills (6 three times a day) but it is only for 7 days. I'm on day 5 and have lost 2 pounds in those 5 days. It's kind of scary to know that was all built up inside. Any ways I like how it makes me feel. My stomach feels lighter. If that makes sense.
I hope you all are doing good. Have a great weekend. Lynn
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