Friday, May 30, 2008


Okay, I've gotten feedback from a few people about their challenge for me.

1. Get a picture you don't like of yourself and post it somewhere that you can see it daily. This will help to remind you what you want to change.
2. Get a log, journal, piece of paper and start keeping track of your daily activity. Write down when you talk a walk, move during commercials, ride your bike, workout to a dvd. Just write it down. This will show you what you are doing and if it is enough!
3. Move! Any little step you take will get you on the right path. Whether it is walking around your yard, on a 2 mile trail, playing tag with the kids, crunches during commercials. Just move!

They say you have to jump right in and get started to meet your goals. I was doing really well and then I got the flu in April and it knocked me right off track. Now is the time for me and anyone else wanting to join in on this journey to take the step in the right direction for our health.

1 comment:

curton said...

I like the picture idea too. I have the perfect picture to hang up. Last summer my friend Sammy had a BarQ at her house and her husband took a picture of us. She is tall and super thin and I'm short and fat. we look like the female version of Lawler and Hardy (I think that is right). I hate the picture. John saw my log and he thinks it's a good idea because he can look at it too and if I'm not working that hard he will get me moving. He'll kick me in gear. I also tried to find something nice to say to myself in the mirror. It was hard but I came up with I look young for my age and I should be thankful.
So did you find a picture? Did you workout today? Zack and I went for a walk around the block and then jumped rope. I jumped 200 times. I'm hoping to fit in a DVD tonight too.
Our last day is Monday as well. then with the girls out of school weekdays will work for us too. You can do it. Have a nice day. Lynn