Well, I'm feelin' better! My back seems to be doing great, not its just time to get back into the exercise routine! I have to admit that I've put a few pounds back on and I really need to get them off.
So this is where you come in, you friends and readers. I need motivation! I really need to get my butt moving and loose some more weight. I don't want to be one of the obese people who are keepin' our state on the "Fat list". I want to be a healthy 30 something woman! I want to be a healthy and fit mom so I can be a role model for my girls. I want to be healthy and fit for me!!
But... I still need motivation and help!
What do you say, give me some encouragement, some challenge or some advise... God knows I need it!
OK we both hit a wall. Ever sense I was given the ok to workout. I have only workout about 6 times. I'm afraid I'll miss my knee up more. I have been walking but my body is use to it I think becuase I've put on about 3 pounds. which makes me 14 pounds way from my goal now. It is very frustrating.
I actually have been thinking about what I need to do to keep me on track. I bought a note book last night at work and I'm going to write down or log what I did every day to workout. I'm not writing down what I eat. I'm just writing down workouts. I want to see what I'm doing to stay moving. I went back to sunday Because I took the kids to the zoo and we were there for three hours. So I wrote down about 2 1/2 hours of walking. then Monday we went for a family bike ride down the bike path here in town. It's a mile to the path and about 3 to 4 mile down the path. I wrote down an 8 mile bike ride for monday. Tuesday I wrote nothing. Wednesday 45 mins of water aerobics and Today so far Zack and I rode our bikes to pre school and now I have to ride and pick him up so in total 4 miles. I'm keeping the note book out on my bedside table so I see it every day and know I have to workout and write it down. It's going to work.
We are going to break through this wall and get moving. We are not going backwards anymore from this day on. If we are watching T.V. at every commercial we are going to get up and move (march in place, lift free weights ect...). If we are outside with the kids we are going to play too (jump rope, play tag, Play catch ect..). We will find ways to keep moving. We are not going to be on the fat list any more. We are stronge and this is a hard fight but we will WIN!!!
I have only meet you once for a very short time ( at Kmart) But what I remember was that you were very up beat, positive, pretty and a good rule model to your girls.
I have to go get zack But I will be back. Lynn
I'm back. I want you to stay positive. It is to easy to think bad about yourself. It's hard and I have a hard time too being positive about the way I look. I know I think we need to look in the mirror every day and say something nice to ourself. AND MEAN IT!!!!!
So the goal for this month is to get active and say something nice every day. Next month we will tackle food things. sound Ok?
This sunday is going to be nice would you like to get together at a park? Wow this is really long so I'll let you go. Lynn
P.s I wrote miss my knee and it is mess up my knee. I'm tired.
ok, you want motivation? I got it...
find a picture of yourself that you would not want to show to anybody because you don't like how you look in it (aka the fat picture)
put that picture up somewhere you will be able to see it everyday...maybe the bedroom mirror, better yet, the frig...even better yet: the door that leads to your exercise equipment!
It'll be your reminder and your motivation!!
Now, excuse me, I think I need to go follow my own advice ;)
Okay gals, I like the picture idea, I'll have to search for one.
The motivation is key for me right now too. I was thinking this morning that I needed to workout, but did I--- NO! How am I going to do this.
As for Sunday Lynn, its out of the quetion for me because I have two things I'm supposed to do already that day. Now that school is almost out for us (last day is Monday) we should get together during the week sometime.)
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